About Me

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I'm 35, mum to Kathleen 7 and Stefan 4. I have 3 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 6 fish. Been married to Paul since 2003

Monday 25 May 2009

Bank Holiday Monday

wow for the first time in absolutely ages we did family stuff today. Paul and I took the kids down to Broadstairs for the day. I haven't been down there for ages so it was nice to see it hasn't really changed. Also you have to admire us brits. It wasn't the warmest of starts to a day with a bit of wind, yet there they were with their shorts on and tops off playing beach volley, digging holes, SWIMMING(!!) and all having a great time. We enjoyed it too and all had the obligatory ice cream before popping in to see my nan and Stanley. I will def come down again. I love the sea. I always feel a bit drawn to it and love nothing better than walking along the front with the waves crashing. As you're starting to lose light is best as is at night when it's power seems to intensify. I love it, kind of like therapy for me. A sense of space and freedom I guess yet I'm not a great sailor and never wish to be! It dawned on me that if I'm low I take myself off to the waters edge. Maybe I need a beach house to retreat to! My own space! Wow the idea is really appealing....

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