About Me

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I'm 35, mum to Kathleen 7 and Stefan 4. I have 3 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 6 fish. Been married to Paul since 2003

Thursday 14 May 2009

Busy busy busy

Wow, what a week. I've been juggling all my balls in the air this week I can tell you. It seems to be meetings city at the mo. Monday was a contract review for my fantastic childminder, Tues was a Wound management CPD meeting for VN's at Hadlow College and last night was an Assessors standards meeting also at Hadlow! Poor Mo (my car-blame Katie) has been up and down the M20 like a mad woman and it's my least favourite motorway on the planet. Today has been a home today with 2 supposedly love deprived children vying for my attention on a minut by minute basis and very loudly! Speaking of the small and sometimes irritating ones, Stefan walked un aided on Monday. Of course I was at work :( but he did take his first solo flight towards his sister so she was really chuffed. So let the games begin. Soon he will discover running, climbing, jumping and I will never have any peace! As it is I had to seperate the pair of them when he decided to bite a chunk out of Katie's shoulder. Ooops! It's not very much different to being at work you know!

It's so difficult you know juggling work and home. You try so hard at times to be the very best you can at both and often sacrafice your own sanity. Since having Stefan, guilt has featured quite highly into my life. It can be because I dont have as much time for Katie. I dont ride my horse enough, The house is suffering. I cant do an extra shift. I cant stay too late as need to collect the sproggs. I have no time with Paul. Getting the picture yet? Sorry if i'm harping on but I worked out that on the average week I spend only about 20 hours in Paul's company awake. That's not even a day!! Generally in some of that time he's either asleep on the sofa, I'm on here or going through nursing stuff, eating dinner or one of us is on the phone!!! No wonder some marriages dont work eh. People are putting all their time and energies into everybody and everything else. Bit of an eye opener eh, do your maths sometime and see how yours tallies up......

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