About Me

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I'm 35, mum to Kathleen 7 and Stefan 4. I have 3 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 6 fish. Been married to Paul since 2003

Thursday 14 May 2009

and waiting

I seemed to disappear on a bit of a random tangent earlier so thought I'd have a double wammy as the house is silent and I feel the need to write. I'm not so patiently waiting to hear back from the editor of the equine magazine that I deliver monthly. I decided that I really wanted to try and get myself back in print a bit more so I wrote an article all about my Shetland pony Alfie-Moon. I'm hoping they didn't all have a good giggle and then file in the bin as the old confidence needs restoring bit before I suffer too many knocks. So I have everything crossed and will have to see what happens. Meanwhile I do seem to be putting pen to paper on a daily basis. Anything from poetry to bits of stories that I may well cobble together at some point. I found a whole book full of poems nd song lyrics that I had written whilst I was at college. (attics are great arent they!!) It was quite an eye opener. Some is complete crap and rather embarrassing but others I'm quite proud of. You never know, I may crack it one day but until then you poor sods are stuck with my ramblings ha ha.

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