About Me

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I'm 35, mum to Kathleen 7 and Stefan 4. I have 3 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 6 fish. Been married to Paul since 2003

Thursday 1 November 2012

Life has just been so manic lately that the very thought of blogging has been far away from my mind but recent events have made me stop and re evaluate things and now I feel it is time to start afresh.

I have said on more than one occasion over the last year or so that my life would start changing once Stefan started school. Well that has now happened and he is happy there, my little baby is growing up fast. I could never have imagined quite how life would change.

 I'd thought about a change of job, being in the same place for so long can make you a bit stale and the in house politics are almost more than I can bear. some people will never change and all the time they are running the show the place will never move forward. But for now I am still here, mainly because other events in recent weeks have rocked my world and I feel that if I move on from the vets it will be one change too many for me to deal with,

My baby cousin Gregg died last monday 22nd October. It was a totally un expected death. He'd been poorly over the weekend with a stomach bug but had appeared better early evening. However when Mel went to check on him later that evening he had drifted off into a sleep that he would never wake from.To say we are devastated is an understatement. Here is a man in the prime of his life. Only 29 with a gorgeous wife, son William and little Oliver due to arrive that same week. How can someone so full of life and energy be cruelly taken when he has so much to live for.

Oliver arrived safely on Tuesday and is an adorable little lad who would make both his parents proud. I cannot imagine how conflicting Mel's emotions must be at the moment but I hope she knows that she is loved and has alot of people around her to lean on.

I've always counted Gregg as another little 'brother'. When we were younger I spent alot of time at Auntie Sue's and although I am 6 years older we spent alot of time together, out riding the bikes, walking the dogs and watching films. Once the boyfriend came along we naturally drifted a bit (although he was my chaperone for alot of the time!!!) but I still enjoyed his company and as he got older Gregg became even funnier - if that was possible- When he walked into a room, it lit up and we knew we were in for a laugh. he always had a story or a disaster to report on. And he had an un healthy love of toilet humour and spent alot of time thinking on the toilet!

 I shall miss him alot, so many people will and  waiting for an answer on why this has happened is the hardest part.

But for now Buddy you take care, say hi to everyone up there and pop in from time to time on your mum, Fiona, Mel and the boys cos you've left a huge Gregg shaped hole in everyone's life.


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