About Me

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I'm 35, mum to Kathleen 7 and Stefan 4. I have 3 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 6 fish. Been married to Paul since 2003

Friday 10 April 2009

working on it!

hey there, hope people are well? I never know if people dip into this and to be honest I'm not worried either way. I love to write and this is an ideal platform to exercise that pleasure and to get my feelings out there.

Well it's friday night. Paul is watching the Master's Golf on tv (yawn). I'm buggered if i'm going to join him when I can be chilling out here with the music on and lights turned low. I use the term watching very loosely though as I can hear the snoring from here. One day I may really question the older man choice!!

So what's been happening then you may ask. Well some things I'm not going to even disclose on here my darlings but life is following a strange path at the moment. I'd be lying if I said parts of it were dull as I recently had a fantastic night out with friends that to be honest made me wish I could turn back the clock and approach things differently. Now dont panic, I adore my children and feel lucky to be here with them but you know how it is, sometimes you just wish you'd been braver................

It's Stefan's birthday today. Wow 1 year gone already, how scary is that? We are doing the dutiful christening bit on Sunday and I think mum and I are hoping the church doesn't set alight when we cross the threshold!!! Dont get me wrong, everyone is allowed their own beliefs but it's not my bag. Bit of family PR going on here I think!

Families are strange though. I'm not a recluse but despite having lots of siblings ( 1 brother, 1 half brother and sister, 1 step brother and sister and Linda's 3 kids we dont keep in touch that much. Ricky has recently had some bad news re work and Andy is busy with his family and work and Julie, well she's in a dark place and I'm not sure what can save her. All I know is that I have 2 gorgeous nieces who I haven't seen in ages who are heading down the wrong path and I'm un able to save them.

Yes I know, lose the super hero hat Kelly but somethings never change I want to help the people I care about.

I've kinda spun out on a tangent tonight sorry. Lots of thoughts in my head and they are popping out willy nilly. Not entirely sure any of this is making an ounce of sense!! The one thing I really want to talk about is a bit too sensitive to discuss so I'll just have to sit on that one for a bit.

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