About Me

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I'm 35, mum to Kathleen 7 and Stefan 4. I have 3 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 6 fish. Been married to Paul since 2003

Sunday 1 March 2009

Reality check

Wow, so much for keeping a regular diary, been quite crap already!! Life is manic at the moment. Our bank account is looking very sick so Paul and I are spending every minute working to keep our heads above the water. Needless to say that results in us spending no time together as a couple OR family and tempers are starting to fray. Starting to feel a little strung out to be honest and short tempered with everyone around me. Add to that a frustrated 11 month old child and bored 4 yr old and it's starting to get ugly!!

Does anyone else ever get the feeling that whatever they do it isn't ever gonna be enough? Maybe I'm expecting to much in return but I have no down time, there is always someone or some animal making demands and I wonder how much longer I can actually cope with the pressure!!
Foolishly I have been looking to re-train as an equine/canine physiotherapist ( it has always been my dream). I saw a medium recently and she indicated that this was a path I should follow. Full of enthusiasm I researched the subject only to find it would cost me £6000 and 15 hrs of private study! obviously I dont have that sort of cash (first hurdle!) but it was more the study time that had me faultering. I dont have that sort of free time and to make it happen I would need to sacrafice a great deal, as would everyone else in the family. So now I'm feeling decidely glum as I feel the moment has passed me by. Life wont get any less busy from now on in just different so I'll just tuck that dream back into bed, get my head down and keep on working..........................

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